Team Snowtastic
The Snow Maze.....
Park City, Utah for the 2002 Winter Olympics
Featuring "Trump" the Monster
named for the trumpet that is his nose.
At the time.. the Worlds Largest Snow Maze
Initially the snow was brought in via dump trucks...
.. and stock piled in the field where the maze would be built.
Team Snowtastic designed this intricate maze...
This was our 'bible' to work from and we checked off each segment of wall as we completed it over the 10 days.
The snow was packed inside wood formwork that was built on site...
This is the first 10 foot segment of what will be 1,145 feet of wall in the completed maze....
Here's the first 70 feet.. note: the 4 inch spaces in-between the walls will be filled later in the process...
A big snow storm the final day of prep..
[two sculptors arriving 4 days early got a jump on things and had 96 feet of wall done before the full team arrived]....
Now the full team of 7 arrive and walls start popping into place...
One of us had to take the picture... but that's Team Snowtastic standing on the snow walls...
Multi-laid photos for a view of the whole scene...........
The box in the courtyard that "Trump" will be built from....
Working late into the night via the lights of the front-end loader..........
Night time snow packing................
Working on the front wall where we'll carve MONSTER......
Trump starts to take shape......
The wood formwork is removed as the sculpture is carved from the top down......
MONSTER letters done.. the team stands between each...
Trump's horns are imported into his head.....
The letters and Trump complete... [note the sculptor standing on the wall to the right...]
Trump up close......
The back of Trump...
This is the entrance to the maze...
the short walls were used as countertops from behind which Monster employees passed premiums to the guests...
Upon exit you were given more premiums and congratulated with this sign
A Trump character greets the Monster Maze guests.......
Jeff Taylor, of Monster, cuts the ribbon to officially open the maze...
The sculpture was lit with colored lights throughout the night...
Here are some maze guests starting their journey...
Here's the flier printed up for the Monster Maze.....
A photo of the completed maze........
Team Snowtastic .. Winter Olympics 2002.....