Team Sandtastic

Professional Sand Sculpture

---- 125 to 200+ Ton Sand Sculptures ----

Click for more Children's Festival Sand Sculpture photos....


Click for more Cape Town, South Africa photos....


Click for more Volvo America Tour Sand Sculpture photos....


Below is 400 tons we carved at the Democratic Presidentail Debates in Myrtle Beach, SC.


Below is 1,000 tons we carved at the Republican Presidentail Debates in Myrtle Beach, SC.


Heres a 50 ton add-on we were hired to carve when Stephen Colbert saw the Presidentail Debate displays [above] we made in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Click on it for more photos..



Try these links for a look at our other 125 to 200 plus ton sculptures...

[ note: each photo can be enlarged ]


Mysteries of Egypt / National Geographic




- Rain Forest -- --

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- Sand-ta Throne / Disney



-- Newsday / Historic Icons of Long Island----

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Texas Stadium 25th Anniversary / Habitat for Humanity

- a "Walk Through" sand sculpture



You can get quotes, date availability, and answers to sand sculpting questions via e-mail sent to:

A direct link to Team Sandtastic's e-mail

or you can call

(941) 359-0868

or write to:
Mark Mason 509 Sapphire Drive Sarasota, Florida 34234-2720 USA

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